Saturday, October 13, 2007
My nails

Ok this may be a distubing picture, but the were worst before. Today marks the third week since I STOPPED biting my nails. Yes I know its a dirty habit and I should have stopped years ago but it was just something passive to me. I finally decided to stop for a rather egoistic reason. One day I realized that if I had the ability to drive myself to lose all that weight, I can probably do anything I set my mind to. So what's biting my nails comapred to the regime I put myself through?
So it started. The first week was the hardest, cause I was so tempted to cut away my nail growth to stop myself from biting (my normal preventive measure). But after that, when some sign of nails started showing, the temptation to bite my dails kind of waivered. Cause of a simple law which guided my weigth loss.
For if you don't you might as well not have worked to begin with.
Now that it has been 3 weeks, I am starting to fel some nail-iness. For example, this week when I booked out, it was the first time in my life I took out my hp battery with my nail. Ans when pressing buttons and stuff, I am starting to feel the presence of THE NAIL... haha. Its like different la when you don't have any nails. Am quite certain I won't be doing any more biting nopw, We'll see how far they can normalize!

{V}ickNesh on 6:51 PM