Sunday, September 23, 2007
Ok I know almost every indian who has half a brain would stay away from these recitals.And this vibe was VERY obvious when practically every other indian shunned from this recital, even the most rooted ones.
Why did I still go?
Cause curiosity kills the cat? I had no reason to fear or detest or fear something which I I have no memory of right? I don't have any recollectable memory of going for such a show!
Haha you'd probably think these woman would be worth the three hours show I sat through!
In case you'd have figured it out, to my left is Bhavani and to my right is Shivani pilla (yes This is probably you last chance to catch her in a SAREE till her wedding day!) from YI.
Woah they were good. They were really good, especially shivani who got to be kinda like the lead and had this really cool 2min solo at the start of her groups recital. The only thing that kept me in check was recalling her participation in YI choir. Guess she was just a singer all along.
These people have such a cool, quantifiable talent. They even teach Sangeetham (traditional Indian music) to the cutest little kids. How cool is that? I mean take a step back and think about whats your quantifiable talented how it is being used....
OK then... the show was like 3 hours long, which requires a good amount of patience to stay awake to. I did get through over 90% of the show I'd have to say, Thanks to the wind section of the chow coupled by a good amount of endurance attained from he army and my exposure to chess games in the past. See my experiences do come in useful?
But its still aroungd to focus on their skill and stuff for so long. And the music is not bad, but not great either. I can see why Sangeetham is 'dying' and is fighting so hard to survive. I can't see sangeetham fighting good cinema music like June Pona, Loosu Penna or Jillendru Oru Kadhall. These aren't really hip hop or rock, and have really good vocals in them. So why would people listen to sangeetham on their MP3's over these? So sad.
The loss its not unfair or anything, just that it is part of natural selection I guess? Maybe in the past where variety was less Sanggetham music had a shot. But now I really don;t see an angle. Or is it just that I have yet to hear a good piece?
Whatever the case the culture should still be preserved la, even if it requires affirmative action and stuff.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I LOVE MY NEW LIFEI love the things I can do now. The opportunities I can parttake it.
I love the ability to chose and to be chosen. You don't have to be nice, I'm an asset now:)
I love doing stuff which i could not really do in the past.
I love the impression new people have on me.
I want to stay fit and healthy for as long as it lasts!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I Finally watched Baasha for the first time today!Ok I know this is like 4 years slow since that is how long ago I was given this nick by some people in JJC during my first 3 months.
Perhaps it is 13 years slow as that is when this great movie was realeased! haha.
Aiya I know I am slow la.. but the impt thing is I am finally catching up right?
There was this song which dictated this intresting 8 by 8 law of life thing..
8: Time to play
24: Getting married and stuff
32: Having kids ++
40: Your hard work all these years are paying off?
48: Time to take a break.. tour the world maybe?
56: Time to retire and time to take things slow...
64: Now living beyong this is simply NO GOOD!
Hahaha the last one is my favourite.. think PAP would love to debate this guide to world's end.. but if you look closely it ain't that far off.
I would like to get married at 24 if posible.
And I would want kids by 32.
OK the retirement part may be a bit far fetched in today's context but ya, think we all can take a guide from this and see if we're derailed from the 'bigger' picture in some sense.
And yes Laks, or anyone, if my tamil interpretation sux you can rectify them on the tagboard.
(PS. If you did think of me as your Baasha back then, thank you for looking up to me with such high esteem.)
An interesting question...
Have you thought about who you are going to marry?Maybe you have yet to meet his or her..
But what if you are going to marry somebody you already know in your life so far?
OK this is more intresting for thsoe who are single, but ya. Take a look around you and think about it.. are you going to get married to anyone around you? You don't really know ya?
Haha just food for thought.
Who am I going to get married to?
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Yes, This was just something I did during one of those days which I was Simply TOO FREE. Hahaha, that kinda happens quite a bit when you're out from camp ya? Anyway am Kinda disappointed that so many people saw through the picture.. I mean like I zoomed the picture to 300% to crop it out in detail so that it looked real!
OK I know 90% of people I know know about my weight lost, but still? OK there were those 1 or 2 who did not realize, at least my effort was not to waste ya?
Just FYI, the middle was me at sec 4, The me on the left was right before enlistment, and the 'now' me is on the right.
Today pearlyn did some kind of interview with me over msn, regarding my weight loss and all. And you know what, through reliving the stages I went through over that year, I just realised that it was really something.
I did not lose my weight overnight or within weeks.. it was a long war man. A long and tiring one. It is so easy to take the easy way out and indulge. It is so tempting to find excuses for yourself.
'This chocolate fudge is so small... I have to eat WITH the others... I eat this now la, later I eat less...'
'Aiya now the sun too hot la, cannot run... nevermind la evening then run... just eat la cannot run... after run tommorow cannot play badminton....'
These voices that echo through your head would be the proof of the devil himself. How did I ignore them? Well I guess it was the instinct to defend that which I have gained.. or loss in this case! Each Kilo to lose was nth less than a chore and you had to fight even harder to lower your weight, lest to maintain. It just kills to think about wasting a week's effort of training and controlling your diet just because you let yourself go a tat too much this week. Of course I was also Thrilled to see where I was going with this weight loss thing, as those who know me would remeber, I never really bothered about losing weight and stuff AT ALL! So ya... OK la will blog about his some other time.. And I know you guys want to know what are the things I did along the way... Will blog about them some time I guess.
And to conclude, for those who are trying to lose weight, remb one thing.. MOMENTUM IS KEY
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Ok I'm gonna ORD sooon, and its gonna be time to get a head start on my CCA of choice for NUS.Ok I am sooo not going to join a cca or a related one to any of my ex cca's, which really makes quite a list! And there are those CCA's which I don't think I can join, but wth! Here's my shortlist vision...
1. Some sports CCA.. maybe TRACK AND FIELD...
I may not be the fastest few or what now, but I am above average and am improving! I mean thats whats impt right? Progress? Am able to psch myself to train more than 4 times a week (As i did for AHM) and actually find running rather refreshing!
My enthust for this was kinda squished when I heard of that indian kid who ran 32km everyday since he was four... MY gosh, I have no place in such a realm man... (Also made me realised how spoiled we were.. we run 21km like such a big deal, got water point everywhere, this kid can run32km with lousy shoes and stuff..) And I'd have to totally commint ALL my NUS to this one CCA probably, gonna make my leaving cert a bit focused and dry.. smth I'm not used to!
2. Indian Cultural Society!
OK I know.. get over your OMGS'es... Firstly I have not really parttake in any such society, so it'll be smth new.. WHy not EL society? 1. Have debated, 2. have dramaed 3. less lobang. Y \a lets face it, ICS would have more opportunities ofor the I's, especially in the competetie talent pool of NUS!. And I have seen what they can do, and they are really a happening lot! Somewhere a happening guy like me can fit in!
YES MY TAMIL SUX! Ok, we can work on that right?.. At least the conversation part? Yes I can! And so what if I can't speak well? I stillc an do my part in their events! I am a useful dude ya? I can do alot of different stuff, i mean I have done alot of different stuff and I can still contribute to the ICS!
3. Some weird new club
Ok these include some deli club or smth that is totally new and probably fun, with lots of new exposure! And it would take away the possible language barrier from the above..
Its probably not going to be a well-recognised cca.. I am seeking something fufilling, both in my life and on paper.. Intend to keep my hostely you know? (yes I do intend to stay in one..)
Hai what am I going to join? I have to say its probably going to be no.2. And it will be If i can get my tamil back on its feet! Well at least this is what I feel for now la.
We'll see.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
If you're mat, can you be the part?Don't be a mat and be so ah neh jsut because you look the part.
You know you're not oging to un-mattify and just hope that you partner mattifies for you so that you can have mat children
Ah neh-Mats
From pre to post NS I am ridding myself of many bad, or what I see as useless or negative atributes or habits. Some probably accosiated with my obesity directly or otherwise. These are a few of the voices in my head which go "STOP!... IF NOT YOU'LL END UP LIKE APPLE!! WAHAHA)1. STOP computer gaming (yes even freeing my self for the last one-dota)
2.STOP watching excessive TV and couch potato-ing.
3. STOP buying chocolates and chocolates cookies which I know I will binge on later
4. STOP being lazy to get out of the house (actually these days I have an urge to stay out, can't stand being cooped up even for a day!)
5. STOP not engagin in physical activities (hahahaha)
6. STOP being so SHY! (for pete's sake, you're HOT now...)
Anyway The detox is for the better la. But a new poblem has arose, By removing so much of my usual routine. AND I AM LEFT WITH NTH MUCH TO DO!
OK the list of AVOID's really do't make it better for me. And these go " WEI just cause you army doesn't eman you have to be ARMY...."
1. AVOID drinking and stuff, do not make an occasion, only join on at most...
2. AVOID clubbing and stuff, not worth the vice
3. AVOID starting to binge, caue it won't stop till I go for a jog!
And to close it all I have a list of Don't do's caus they just BORE me...
1. Soccer watching
2. Reading (of any dort)
3. Play pool or soccer (though I don;t mind starting the latter)
So to sum up, my days are rather BLANK. And to think I still don't blog? Smth is really wrong riht. I end up crashing NUS during my off days, which I really don't mind. Its easier on the pocket than shopping, and everyone else is at work or sch anyways.
So what Kind of guy am I?
A weird one I guess.
Just have to find my way la. Smth will work out. Right?
Friday, September 07, 2007
Yes I ran 21km in 2hrs.So gald its finally over. TIme for me to convert to a civillian exercise routine, smth like jogging twice a week.
No point running too mcuh no cause I know I'm not going to follow up once I leave the army. Just time to learn how to be a NORMAL, HEALTHY singaporean. :)