Sunday, April 15, 2007
The Experiement

I finally got the chance to test my old comical personality in my new body with a group people who enver knew the old body. This is like sooo impt cause I have been wondering whether this "fat" personality would fit with a fit bod if you can get what I mean.


OK la generally I had my same aura, making people laugh and all. Had fun playing polar bear and all. Got along with guys and gals. Nth to be too worried abt.

But there are some qwerks.

First, Saying I am handsome baffles people in a weird way. One of them said " I have never met sombody who is so confident abt himself before"

One of them I was growing chubby from thin. Ouch

people thing I'm an arts student. (OK i have no idea if this has anything to do with the fat vs fit thing).

Can such a me exist?

I nv showed them my old pic and left it like tt. Wonder how such relations will develop with the new me. Need more social experiements.

{V}ickNesh on 10:31 AM